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    Led by Stéphane but created by all of the participating members of the Chaudesaigues family, this organization is dedicated to creating relationships between tattoo artists, whatever their age or   country, to publicly acknowledge artists for their work and finally to promote the mainstreaming of the art of tattooing.


    Stéphane’s original idea came from the realization that currently there are no awards for tattoo artists. Only the collector usually gets praises. Thus, Stéphane decided to follow in his ancestor’s footsteps. 140 years ago Eusèbe Chaudesaigues created the Prix Chaudesaigues, a prize dedicated to rewarding the achievements of young French architects with a scholarship abroad to further their studies.


    With this exchange, the prize also aimed at creating an intercultural bridge between the two countries. Today, the prize keeps its core values but is globalized and updated.



    Official website : Cantal In'k the skin



    The energy that moves the Chaudesaigues family fuels a feeling of emulation amongst its members, which in turn feeds the organization with ideas for the great big family of the tattoo universe.


    For this very reason, Thanks to their will, work and ideas, the organization is filled with projects. The first major project that will see the light of day is The Chaudesaigues Award, February 12,

    2012 during the Best of the Midwest convention.


    The second project in preparations is the Chaudesaigues international meet up, and the Cantal In’k The Skin, July 5, 6, and 7, 2013.

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    “What human beings have that is most authentic are their capacity to create, transform themselves, love, gain power over each other, as well as their tolerance to pain and their capacity to get past their own pain.”

    Ben Okri


    Stéphane Chaudesaigues started tattooing in 1986 in the suburbs of Paris. After a multitude of obstacles, he continues his budding career in Avignon and opens his first shop on Pignotte plaza.Wanting to expand his horizons and measure his skills on an International level, he decides to go the US and showcase his work in magazines and conventions. The force of his work and photorealistic style soon forge him a solid reputation in the International tattoo community.

     Back in France, Stéphane decides to open several tattoo studios in the South-East of France. In 2006, he finally opens his flagship Studio: La Bête Humaine, Atelier 168. Now, Stéphane, his children, nephew, and nieces have decided to take it to the next level and have created a new Challenge for themselves: the Chaudesaigues Award and soon hope to create their own convention.


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    Looking beyond the name I bear, and of my emotional ties to the charming little town I share a name with, I would like to thank Mayor Madeleine Baugmartner. Without her support, the Chaudesaigues International Meet up, or the Cantal In’k the Skin would never have seen the light of day.


    Very selfishly, I was reluctant to share this beautiful village that is “ours”, and like a precious gem it is difficult to relinquish control and to share its beauty with others. Madeleine made me see the light and have shown me how important it is to open the doors of our cultural wealth but also to showcase our beautiful region.


    The town of Chaudes-Aigues will then receive for the first time a group of world famous exceptional tattoo artists, but more importantly my friends. Anxious to convey our goal of fostering the development of intercultural relationships, we are meeting in a place forgotten by time itself to talk, exchange, discover, teach and learn from each other. Because of the nature of the venue we have chosen this event will be very intimate, like a great family reunion.


    The town of Chaudes-Aigues is one of our most precious partners and has become a central aspects of our projects: for the Chaudesaigues International Meet up, for the CantalIn’k The Skin, and for its moral support for the Chaudesaigues Award.

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    See the city’s website
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    I was not born in an environment propitious to loving the art of tattooing. In fact, the milieu I grew up in did not regard it too kindly.


    I met and fell in love with this art the same moment that I fell in love with Stéphane; a lighting rod struck me you could say…


    Since then, I have been living and breathing this beautiful art form around the world, in conventions, in special projects, and in trips.


    Creating the Chaudesaigues Award was a way for us to transcend the art of tattooing, to give it more substance, to create depth in our vision of the art. We hope that this award will take us one step closer to breaking down the barriers that exist between the generations of artists, between the different styles, between countries and cultures. All constraints that seem to keep it divided when there is so much we could to learn from one another…


    Very humbly, I just want to help the Chaudesaigues Award reach its potential so that it may help the greatest number of artists possible so that we may all walk this beautiful road together.

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